Saturday, February 20, 2016

To kill a Mockingbird

Hey, everyone! At the moment, I am reading a book called "To kill a mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Harper Lee died yesterday, which was really unfortunate considering I just began reading her book. So, as I read the book I decided to write about each chapter and it seems like a good story so far. Today in my blog, I will be talking about chapter one. The first chapter of the book isn't really that interesting because it has very complicated text and is just introducing the characters, but the story starts to get better and more interesting throughout the rest of the chapters.

The story starts by introducing the narrator and her brother's story. Scout is a confident and intelligent  girl who is also referred to as a tomboy. Scout starts to describe her brother, Jem's, broken hand injury. They start to discuss their family's history and what causes led to Jem's injury. The first of their ancestors was Simon Finch, a fur trader who left England and found a farm on the banks of the Alabama river. The farm was very successful and had supported their family for many years. Jem and Scout's dad, Atticus, became a lawyer in Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb was a tired and old town. Also, his brother, Jack, became a very good doctor in Boston's medical school. Calpurnia, their black cook, helps to take care and raise the kids after their mother died. During the summer of 1933, a young boy named Dill moves in next door to stay with his aunt. Dill was a very active and intelligent boy, who had become the Finches new close friend. One day, all three of them decided to go to their mysterious neighbor, Boo Radley, and convince him to come out of his house. Boo Radley was the next door neighbor who has never came out of his house after he supposedly murdered his father. So, Dill challenges Jem to run over and touch the door of the house, which is also known as the Radley's place. As Jem does the dare, he see's a slight shutter from the inside of the door and they all became scared.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog of the first chapter of "To kill a Mockingbird" and I will be continuing the rest of the story later on as I read it.

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