Friday, February 26, 2016

School Adivce

Hey, I'm back with another blog! As you can tell by the title, I'm going to give you advice about school and how you can get better grades. In one of my previous blogs, I wrote about tips for getting better grades and doing well in the class, well today it's about things like being organized and how to manage your time wisely. School is very important in your life and it also helps to determine your future and goals. So doing well and learning new ways to manage and be organized is very important.

The first tip is being organized. Being organize is very helpful and important when you have multiple classes and worksheets. You can find papers and worksheet's easier by using folders or binders. Seperate each class by using colors or highlighters. There are many ways to be organized, so you can find the way that you like best. Arranging your textbooks and materials are very helpful too. Another part of being organized is keeping a calendar. Write down when all your assignments are due and when you will take your tests. This way you can always be aware of upcoming events and ways to study properly.

The second tip is writing notes and asking questions. Notes are a key for taking tests and keeping material inside your head. You can write down all the important stuff that you need to learn and it's a great way to review for a test. But make sure you are listening to what the teacher is saying and not what is being written on the board. Asking questions are also very important because it will keep you active and also shows your teacher that you are participating in the class discussion.

The last tip is to plan and always put effort into all your work. Homework is not a fun thing to do, but it a way to progress what you know outside of the class. If you have a lot of work to do in one night, make sure to plan ahead or make a schedule for each assignment. Also, it's important to take breaks once every often so it will keep your mind fresh and not cram up all the information. Lastly, if you have a big project or essay, start them early! This is very important because instead of waiting until the last minute, it's better to be over with it soon and not have to worry about it later on when you don't have enough time.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and use my tips to improve your school studies! I'll talk to you guys in my next blog.

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