Sunday, April 24, 2016

Diy Starbucks Drink

Hey, everyone! Today in my blog, I will be showing you a quick and easy Starbucks Java Chip frappuccino recipe. This drink is also known as the double chocolate chip frappaccino. If you love a sweet and chocolaty drink, then this is the drink for you and I suggest you make it. I have made this before using the recipe below, and it taste the same as the one from Starbucks! So, I'm gonna show you how to make your own Java Chip Frappuccino, which saves your money as well.

The ingredients your will need are 4 tablespoons chocolate syrup, 4 tablespoons chocolate chips or chunks, 3 cups freshly brewed coffee (optional), milk, ice, and whipped cream for the top. By the way, the amount of ingredients can be different depending on how much or how many people your making it for.

After you gather all your ingredients, mix the ice, chocolate syrup, milk, chocolate chips, and the coffee together in a blender. Make sure its thick and creamy at the end. Next, pour your mixture into however many glasses you need. Top with whipped cream and and chocolate syrup or chocolate powder for extra flavor.

 Again, if you really like chocolate and you have a sweet tooth, then you should definitely try this drink and it's really refreshing to on hot days. I hope you enjoyed this recipe and try making it for yourself!

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