Hey, everyone! Today, I'm going to give you all advice about middle school. I decided to do this, because it's almost the end of the middle school years for me, and throughout the three years I have learned and experienced a lot of amazing things. If you are reading this and entering middle school, I hope this helps you and gets you prepared. Also, if you are graduating this year, you can probably relate to the advice I'm going to give you. So, basically, middle school is a time in your education when you learn to become a young adult and you get ready for high school. There will be a lot more homework, respect, and responsibilities. For me, middle school was the best three years of my life. I have met a lot of different kinds of people and I'm learning so many things that I didn't know before. It seems stressful at times, but there always up's and down's.
The first advice is to always obey the rules and try not to get involved in trouble. This is important when it come to peer pressure and other stuff. So make sure you have good friends and follow all the rules and dress codes, even though it may be difficult sometimes.
Another important advice that I have learned is to avoid drama and don't start spreading rumors. It's better not to get involved in that stuff because it can lead into trouble. Just try to focus on your school work and choose your friends wisely. Choosing friends wisely is important in middle school and throughout your life, because there's a less chance you'll start drama and you can tell them anything, and trusting people is very important too.
Lastly, academic skills are extremely important when taking challenging classes or getting good grades. Always stay on track in class, take notes, make sure to ask a lot of questions, always participate, and study hard for your tests. It's also important to not procrastinate during the night or week of your test.
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and I hope it was helpful to you. Middle school is very fun and I have learned so many different things and became a much more responsible person.
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