Sunday, May 8, 2016

To Kill a Mockingbird

Hey, everyone! Today, I'm going to be talking about a book I just finished reading for my English class. It's called To Kill a Mockingbird and I have blogged about it before. I'm making this blog because it was a very interesting story and I wanted to share my opinion about the entire book with you. The beginning of the book was a little dry and not that interesting, but once you get to the end, it get's more and more interesting because of all the activities that happened throughout the book. So, I'm going to be sharing a summary of the main parts of  the book with you. The main characters were: Scout Finch (narrator), Jeremy Finch (brother of Scout) Atticus Finch (father of both Jem and Scout, works as a Lawyer), Tom Robinson (an African-American man who was convicted of a serious crime), Boo Radley (the neighbor who never came out of his house), and Bob Ewell (a mean, poor man). The book was written in the 1960's, in Alabama. It took place in Maycomb, which is a small town in the time of the Great Depression. In Maycomb, everyone knew each other and the kids really wanted to know what Boo Radley, the strange neighbor, looked like. Scout had a hard time in school because kids made fun of her dad, who was defending a black man in his next trial. The book has a few offensive words, but it was used in history, and it's important to know the type of language that was used back then for racism. There are a lot of life lessons that Atticus teaches his kids. They are at a stage where they are growing up and getting to experience real world activities. I don't want to spoil the book if you have not read it, so I will tell you about each character's characteristics. Scout is a six-year-old girl who is intelligent, funny, a tomboy, she can read at a young age, and is also very interested in her family backgrounds. Jem is a young boy who is more mature than Scout and is also very protective, and independent. Atticus is a lawyer and very protective of his children and is also very respectful to everyone, even if they are not to him. Tom Robinson is a black man and is very family oriented and is also very caring because he helped Mayella Ewell. Mayella convicted Tom of raping her even though he did not. And lastly, Bob Ewell is Mayella's father and is a lazy, evil, and rude man who tried to kill Atticus and Tom.

So, I hope you enjoyed reading my blog this weekand if you haven't read the book, you should read it because a lot of interesting things happen!

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