Saturday, December 12, 2015

Quote Response

Welcome to my blog this week! I'm going to be talking about a quote that I learned a while ago in my English class. The quote is "The trouble with life isn't that there is no answer, It's that there are so many answers" by Ruth Benedict. I choose this quote because it relates to a lot of people and It has an important message to it.

I think this quote means that in life, there are many directions and path to living your life, but its important to choose the right path. It is important to make the right decisions because there are always good and bad decisions. Everyone has a unique path in life that they make. There are so many questions and answers in life so you have to choose very wisely. 

This quote relates to world, because a lot people in the world go in the right direction and some go in the wrong direction. People may think that there is nothing they can do to fix there mistakes but they really have a lot of options, so they have to choose the right ones. This also relates to me because sometimes I make the wrong decision and I have to think of a good way to fix it. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog! 

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