Saturday, November 7, 2015

Lokai Bracelet ❤️

Welcome to my blog this week! Today, I will be talking about one of the trends for this year, which is the Lokai bracelet. It comes in colors such as pink, blue, and clear. The word Lokai was inspired by the Hawaiian word Lokahi, which means to blend opposites. The Lokai is a stretchable bracelet that has both a white and black bead, on the opposite sides of the bracelet. These bracelets represents that life has a balance of both good and bad times. The black bead contains mud from the Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on the Earth. The
 white bead contains water from Mount Everest, the
 highest point on earth.

The Lokai has a lot of meaning to it. The bracelet is a good reminder to stay hopeful and to never forget that the darkest moments will always get better. The black bead on the bracelet represents difficult moments that you have been through. The white bead represents the highest moments of your life. The beads in the middle are clear, and they are supposed to remind you about times of happiness and also sadness. The clear beads also represent that
everyone has a different story. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog for this week! ~ Mona


  1. This was such a beautiful blog topic and explanation. Nice blog, and thanks you for informing me.
