Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Best Day

Hey guys! In this blog I'm going to be writing about my day yesterday, Friday 29, 2016. Yesterday was a great day, so many great things happened, and I also met one of my favorite youtubers! So, get ready as I tell you all about my day and the feelings I experienced. 

So, the first exciting thing that went on yesterday was the Honor Roll. The Honor Roll is a ceremony at school for kids who earned a GPA of 3.3 and higher. Last semester, I earned a 3.5, so I was eligible for the ceremony. The feeling I had was very excited, because this was my third time attending the honor roll ceremony. I felt so proud of myself for making it through middle school with good grades. My dad came to the ceremony to congratulate me and I felt really good that my friends where with me to celebrate. 

Christian Collins
The second best thing that happened yesterday was getting all A's on my test! I had three test, and I was so happy that I passed all of them, because now I have straight A's. The first test I took was English, and It was really easy. The second test I took was science, which was also surprisingly easy considering I got a really good grade on it. Lastly, I had a history test and it wasn't challenging as the others. 

The last thing that happened yesterday was meeting one of my favorite youtbers. His name is Christian Collins, and his youtube name is WeeklyChris. I was at Starbucks with my friends, Alisa, Jasmine, and Noor. Later, Jasmine told me that he was at whole food, which is right next to my school. I  didn't have a chance to see him at whole foods, but luckily 10 minutes later, I saw him in his car. Many girls were running up to him and taking pictures. I was really excited so I also ran to and I got to hug him! It was one of the best feelings I've experienced and I'm so happy I met him. 

Thank you for reading my blog, I loved sharing my experience with you!  Also, check out my friends blog : ! 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Study Tips!

Hey it's Mona, welcome to my blog! Today I'm going to be showing you tips about studying better and getting better grades in school. Sometimes school is hard because you may have a lot of homework and tests, so it gets stressing, but if you follow these tips you will be sure to do better..

1. Paying Attention. This may sound really basic, but it's very helpful and important during class times. It may be hard to pay attention during the whole time, but make sure you do. Sometimes teachers will say something very important and suddenly it's on the test.

2. Studying at Night. Studying is not the most interesting or fun things to do for school, but it's very important that you do. And don't wait for the last minute to study, because it can be very stressful and you might forget it the next day. Also, don't study everything it at once, study the material little by little so it will be easier to memorize and learn.

3. Taking Notes (In Color). Taking notes is a very important part of studying. A tip is to use different colors, like highlighters, so you can highlight the important ideas and stuff that is going to be on your homework or test. This makes studying easier and will help save time. Also it will make you want to look at your notes more!
Example of Colorful Notes

4. Read Everything! This tip is very important when studying or doing your homework. It is important that you read everything so you get a better understanding of the topic. Also the text book gives a lot of notes and more practice.. if you need it. Don't skip the things that look boring, because it will probably help you.

5. Treat Yourself. Taking breaks and giving yourself a treat is a also an important part of learning something. It will help not cram everything in your brain and learn things little by little. Put a candy or treat next to each chapter or paragraph your reading, and you'll be motivated to read more and do better.

I hope you find these tips helpful and use them for studying or homework. Good luck!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Diy Starbucks Drink

Hey, welcome back to my blog. I hope you all had a great new year! In this blog today, I'm going to be doing my first DIY (do it yourself). The best drink I've ever had at Starbucks was the Pumpkin spice latte! It's a hot drink filled with lots of flavor and whipped cream on the top. Since the seasons are almost over, Starbucks might not sell it anymore, so I'm going to show you how to make your own Pumpkin spice latte! It's fun to make and you can drink as much as you want for cheaper. So, let's get started...

First you have to gather your ingredients. 2 cups milk, 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin, 2 tablespoons vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice, 1/4 cup of espresso, and whipped cream (optional). After you gather and prepare all the ingredients, it's time to make the drink. Combine milk, sugar and pumpkin in a pot and stir over medium heat until steamed. Next, remove from heat, stir in vanilla and pumpkin spice. Transfer the mixture into a blender and whisk till foam appears. Lastly, pour into mug, add espresso and top with whipped cream.

I hope you will enjoy this drink if you decide to make it :) and I hope you enjoyed my blog!