Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Outsiders

Welcome to my blog this week! Today, I will be talking about one of my favorite book's that I recently read, The Outsiders. The Outsiders is a book written by S.E Hinton. There is a also a movie version on the book, which I really enjoyed watching. The main character's are Ponyboy Curtis, Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, and Steve Randle. In the book, there are two groups of people named, the Greasers and Soc's. The Greasers are a group of lower class teens. They all smoked a lot of cigarettes and had greasy long hair. They also got into a lot of fights with the Soc's, which were a group of rich higher class teens. Both, the Soc's and the Greasers were against each other, which led to a lot of conflict.

Ponyboy is a fourteen year old boy, who is one of the youngest greasers. He has two brothers, named Sodapop and Darry. Sodapop is the middle child who works on cars with his best friend, Steve. Darry is the intelligent older brother, who is twenty years old. In the book, Ponyboy runs away from his home with his friend, Johnny. Johnny is sixteen and is very fearless. Johnny believes the greasers are his family, because his parents did not care for him. Johnny has always been there for Ponyboy, during bad and good times. Like the time when a couple of Soc’s started bullying Ponyboy and Johnny, even trying to drown Ponyboy. So, Johnny stabbed the soc that is trying to drown Ponyboy. Dallas, one of the greasers, helped them on there journey. Dallas was one of the toughest greasers of them all. Although he gets into a lot of trouble, he is still very protective of Johnny and Ponyboy. 

        During the middle of the story, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas go away to the country and hide in an old church. One day, Dallas took them out to eat and when they return, they saw that the church was on fire. Ponyboy and Johnny ran into the church, and tried to rescue some kids that were trapped in it. After they save the kids in the church, Johnny ends up getting stuck and the church collapsed on his back. Ponyboy and Dallas took Johnny to the hospital very quickly and took care of him. Later in the book, the Soc and Greasers end up having a rumble, which is a fight between large groups of people. The Greasers ended up wining the rumble. So, Ponyboy and Dallas ran to the hospital to tell Johnny that they won the battle. When they got to the hospital, they saw that Johnny was about to reach the end of his life, which was really hard for Ponyboy and Dallas. 

Even though the ending was sad, I learned a lot from the story. I think the moral of The Outsiders is that, you shouldn't judge someone by there wealth or their background. If the Soc's and the Greasers were all nice to each other and didn't fight all the time, then Johnny didn't need to kill one of the Soc's.

Thank you for reading my blog this week! Next time you need an adventures book to read, I hope you choose The Outsiders.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Acai Bowl

Welcome to my blog this week! Today, I'm going to share with you how to make your own homemade Acai Bowl. An Acai bowl is made up of a really thick smoothie that is topped with a different variety of fruits and granola oats. They are a great way to start of your day with a healthy and sweet breakfast. I started eating Acai bowls when I found a place near my school that sells them, called Uba Tuba. At Uba tuba, their bowls are very expensive, so I'm going to show you how to make your own that is less expensive and really fun to make.

To make your bowl, first start by making the thick smoothie. You will need 1 bag of frozen unsweetened Acai berries, milk, sugar, and frozen fruit. Take those four ingredients, and then start to blend them in a blender. After your mixture is thick and ready, pour it into a bowl. Next, take some fruit of your choice and add it to the top of your Acai bowl. I prefer fruits such as banana, strawberry, pineapple, mango, kiwi, or raspberry. Also to make it extra delicious, add a drizzle of honey, granola oats, or nutella. That is how you make a fun, healthy, and tasty Acai bowl.

So, next time you are looking for a delicious breakfast idea, I suggest you try and make your own Acai bowl. Thank you for reading my blog!

 - Mona

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Color Vs Character

Welcome to my blog! Today, I'm going to be talking about one of the quote's that I have learned in my English class. The quote is "Choose your socks by their color and your friends by there character." This is one of my favorite quotes, because it has an important message and it relates to a lot of people.

 This quote means that instead of thinking about how people look on the outside, you should always consider the inside. Choose your friends based on there personality and there true quality's. People should not be judged by how they appear, but by how they treat and help
others. It is wrong to choose your friends by there beliefs
or where they come from. Everyone in the world is equal, even if they look different.

  This quote relates to the world, because around the world, there are so many people living together, but maybe coming from different places. They might have different backgrounds, languages, or possibly different skin colors, but it should not matter when people relate to one another. It is important to consider people
for the good of they're heart and how they behave towards others in they're community. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog for this week! 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Just Be Yourself

Welcome, to my blog this week! ❤️ Today, I'm going to tell you about a quote I learned in my English class. The quote is ,"don't worry about knowing people ; just make yourself worth knowing". I chose this quote because It has a very strong and important message in it. 

I think this quote means that you should always try to be yourself in a good way, not what others tell you to be. Always try to be someone that people will like.  For example, if your a very honest person and have a good personality around others, people will want to be your friend.  If you try and act like someone your not, people will most likely keep a distance from you. It is important to be confident with yourself  and always try to be nice and supportive to others around you.  Also, being a role model is important, because people will remember you for it.

This quote relates to the world/me, because many people act as someone they aren't. Also, some people always try and get into other people's business which others annoyed. 
This quote also relates to me, because I have learned that it is better to be honest so people can relate to me, and to know who I really am.

Thank you for reading my blog :) I hope you enjoyed it ! 

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Hey, welcome to my blog! This week I'm going to talk about my experience going on an Alaska cruise. I went during the summer of 5th grade. I was with my mom, dad, and my older brother. During my whole life, I have been to over 5 cruises but the one to Alaska was my favorite one. The cruise was two weeks long, which sounds really long but its not.  It was the best cruise because I was with my family and I also met a lot of great people who I still talk to today! 

We drove from Los Angeles, California to San Francisco, California. The drive was really long and we had to stop at all different places for breaks. Once we got to our hotel in San Francisco, we visited the Golden Gate Bridge, which is one of the biggest bridges in the world. After the day ended, I started getting ready to go to the port where the cruise was stopping. The cruise we got on was named the Grand Princess. The room we where staying in had a huge balcony and two beds. 

So, once we got inside the cruise, I unpacked my stuff and was getting ready for the ship to sail. It took about 3 hours for everyone to get aboard on the cruise but once we sailed off, there was a huge party near the pool deck! There was a lot of dancing and music. Also there was an Ice carving event. 

It took the cruise about 4 days to arrive to Alaska. The next morning we arrived in Juneau, Alaska. Once we arrived, I woke up and started taking a lot of pictures from outside the balcony. During the mornings it was very foggy and also it rained a little.

The main exports in Alaska that we stopped at where Juneau, Anchorage, Ketchikan, and Fairbanks.

Juneau is the capital city of Alaska. We went to a lot of places there and I got a few souvenirs. Juneau was not as cold as when the ship was going from San Francisco to Alaska. We went to different shopping areas and also visited an Island in the northern region. Next place we went to was Anchorage, which was the largest city of Alaska. We went hiking and also went to the Alaska zoo. We stayed at Anchorage for about 3 days and then sailed to Ketchikan. Ketchikan was a smaller city compared to the others. We saw the national forest, which was really cool! The last place we stopped at was Fairbanks, which was the second largest city in Alaska. Over there I rode on a Tramway, which is a small red train that goes over the mountains. 

Also, during the trip, I met a friend named Emily. I still talk to her today over text message but I'm hoping I can meet her again. I also saw one of my friends from school named Melody, which was really cool because I didn't think I was going to to see someone from school during the trip!

Hope you guys enjoyed my blog this week! ❤️